Easily integrates with WooCommerce email

This tool connects with WooCommerce’s email system to send real-time tracking updates to customers. It keeps buyers informed about their orders effortlessly for the store owner.

Send Tracking updates via SMS

This tool sends tracking updates through SMS. It ensures customers stay informed about their orders through their preferred communication method.

Send tracking updates via Email

This tool sends tracking updates through Email It ensures customers stay informed about their orders through their preferred communication method.

Global SMS service availability

This tool offers global SMS service, ensuring tracking updates can be sent to customers worldwide. It helps keep buyers informed no matter where they are located.

Pre-approved DLT templates for India

This tool includes pre-approved DLT templates for India, ensuring compliance with local regulations. It simplifies the process of sending SMS updates to Indian customers while adhering to mandatory guidelines.

Configure shipment stage notifications

This tool configures notifications for shipment stages such as new order, in transit, out for delivery, and delivered. It ensures timely updates for customers at each delivery step.

Customize Email templates

This tool allows you to customize email templates, tailoring them to match your brand’s style and message. It helps create a consistent and professional look for all customer communications.

“Real-time shipment updates”

Seamlessly integrate with WooCommerce to provide real-time shipment updates. Send notifications via SMS, Email, with global SMS service availability. Customize email templates and configure notifications for various shipment stages. Pre-approved DLT templates available for India.